
Anthony and Andrew discuss Marvel's Daredevil TV show, including the strengths of the Netflix format; the themes of gentrification and fatherhood; nerdy worldbuilding; the Karen Page arc; morality, Catholicism and death; and the future of the Marvel project.

They also talk about what they're writing and what they're reading. This episode, they've both been reading Marie Kondo's self-help book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, which prompts a discussion of how hard it is to declutter your bookshelves!

Direct download: storybeater-ep28.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:43am EST

Anthony and Andrew talk about the latest installment in one of their favourite movie franchises, Furious 7. How does the movie establish and use its world, what roles do the villains play, how did the death of Paul Walker affect the work, and where does the franchise go from here?

Direct download: storybeater-ep27.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:00am EST